Episode 31: Michael Cappello

In Episode 31 Dr. Ng-A-Fook interviews Dr. Michael Cappello, an Associate Professor at the University of Regina. Dr. Cappello draws on educational core studies and anti-oppressive education to share his insights on people’s diverse lived experiences with the COVID-19 Pandemic, in relation to Treaty 4, and “It’s ok to be (Against) White(ness).” We discussed some…

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Episode 30: Erin Jessee

In Episode 30 Dr. Ng-A-Fook interviews Dr. Erin Jessee, a senior lecturer at the University of Glasgow. Dr. Jessee draws on oral historical and ethnographic methods to share her insights on people’s diverse lived experiences with genocide, mass atrocities, and the COVID-19 Pandemic.We discussed some of the following issues: living and working in Glasgow, forensic…

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Episode 29: Petra Munro Hendry

In Episode 29 Dr. Ng-A-Fook interviews Dr. Petra Munro Hendry, an Endowed Professor Emeritus of the St. Bernard Chapter of the Louisiana State University Alumni Association. Dr. Munro Hendry draws on curriculum studies, history, and philosophy to share her wisdom on the practice of history in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic, curriculum history, and a…

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Episode 28: John Weaver

In Episode 28 Dr. Ng-A-Fook interviews Dr. John Weaver, a Professor of Curriculum Studies at Georgia Southern University. Dr. Weaver draws on his interdisciplinary intellectual work on science, curriculum, and democracy to share his philosophical insights on our lived experiences inside and outside the “university” before, during, and after COVID-19. We discussed some of the…

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Episode 27: Cindy Blackstock

In Episode 27 Dr. Ng-A-Fook interviews Dr. Cindy Blackstock, a member of the Gitxsan First Nation and the Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society (FNCFCS). Dr. Blackstock, a Professor in the School of Social Work at McGill University, draws on her interdisciplinary research, Indigenous theories, and social justice advocacy to…

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Episode 26: Walter S. Gershon

In Episode 26 Dr. Ng-A-Fook interviews Dr. Walter S. Gershon an Associate Professor of Critical Foundations of Education at Rowan University. Dr. Walter S. Gershon draws on curriculum, sensory and sound studies to share insights in relation to the COVID-19 Pandemic and systemic racisms. We discussed some of the following issues: accessibility to COVID-19 vaccinations,…

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Episode 25: Cristyne Hebert

In Episode 25 Dr. Ng-A-Fook hosts Dr. Cristyne Hebert, an assistant professor in Assessment and Evaluation at the University of Regina. Dr. Cristyne Hebert draws on curriculum studies, digital literacies and pedagogies, and assessment research to share insights on her lived experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We discussed some of the following issues: roll out…

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Episode 24: Catherine Duquette

In Episode 24 Dr. Ng-A-Fook interviews Dr. Catherine Duquette, an Associate Professor of Social Studies and History Education at the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC). Dr. Catherine Duquette draws on the different disciplinary dimensions of history education and assessment to share insights on her lived experiences as a university educator during the COVID-19 Pandemic….

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Episode 23: Sara Schroeter

Lors de l’émission no. 23, le professeur Nicholas Ng-A-Fook interroge Sara Schroeter qui est professeure adjointe en didactique de l’art dramatique à la Faculté d’éducation à l’Université de Régina. Au cours de leur conversation, Sara Schroeter s’appuie sur la théorie critique des races, l’art dramatique et le théâtre de l’opprimé pour partager ses connaissances comme…

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Episode 22: Tasha Ausman

In Episode 22 Dr. Ng-A-Fook interviews Dr. Tasha Ausman, a Part-Time Professor at the University of Ottawa, and a full-time science and mathematics teacher with Western Quebec School Board. During their conversation, Dr. Tasha Ausman draws on decolonizing, psychoanalytic, and post-colonial frameworks to share insights on her lived experiences as a classroom teacher during the COVID-19 Pandemic….

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