Episode 11: Kiera Brant-Birioukov

In this eleventh episode, Dr. Nicholas Ng-A-Fook interviews Kiera (Kaia’tano:ron) Brant-Birioukov, a Haudenosaunee doctoral candidate studying at the University of British Columbia. During their conversation, Kiera shares her perspectives as an Onkwehón:we curriculum scholar in relation to the 2020 Pandemic. They discuss some of the following concepts: seasonal knowledge, renewal, a returning to Elders’ teachings, land, prophecies, educational estrangement, ethical relational spaces, transformational pops, whose water are we standing on,  Haudenosauneeand Kanenstóhare theories,  curriculum studies, homecoming, being an uninvited guest, spirit and ceremony in education, a post-TRC educational landscape, Indigenous autobiography, a corn soup research methodology, and so much more.